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Break Free from Your Past: How SRTT Transforms Emotional Pain into Lasting Relief

Imagine a therapy that rapidly identifies and resolves the root cause of your issue thus transforming you and your life! SRTT – Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique.

– Patrick Wanis, Creator of SRTT

Have Traditional Therapy Methods Left You Feeling Stuck?

Have you experienced traditional therapy or counseling? Did you find that the sessions primarily involved talking, venting, crying, and little else? Did you experience insights and transformation? No. Perhaps the therapist told you what you need to do to overcome or resolve your issues, but you couldn’t do it, or you simply didn’t know how. Perhaps your therapist simply had no insights or you couldn’t relate to each other. And so, after months or years of therapy, you find yourself still unchanged – despite the significant investment of time, money, and effort. Perhaps you feel hopeless because you tried so hard, and nothing has changed.

Introducing SRTT: A New And Effective Approach to Emotional Healing

SRTT is completely different.

SRTT is not like any other therapy you may have experienced.

SRTT is a process rather than just talking, and it focuses on addressing and resolving the root cause of the issue without reexperiencing the pain or crying for the entire session.

Discover the Unique Value of SRTT

The true value of SRTT lies in its ability to deliver rapid and profound transformation by targeting the very foundation and cause of your emotional pain. Unlike traditional therapies that often circle around symptoms without ever touching or identifying the core issue, SRTT dives deep into the subconscious, where the real work and transformation happen. SRTT uncovers the exact moments and beliefs that shaped your current struggles and pain. You experience extraordinary insights and awareness along with a release of these powerful emotions and deeply ingrained patterns. This process allows you to experience immediate relief and lasting change. It frees you from the past and empowers you to live a life unburdened by old traumas and limiting beliefs. With SRTT, you don’t just talk about healing – you achieve it.

Getting to the Root Cause: The SRTT Difference

Yes! With SRTT, I get to the root cause of the issue. Unlike most other therapies, I don’t consume the first 2-3 sessions asking about your entire life story simply to build rapport. Instead, we get right to the issue in the first session. What are you trying to achieve? What’s blocking you? From where does this issue, the pain, and the belief stem? What was the instigating incident? We immediately address the root cause, which is always linked to a specific incident or traumatic event. In childhood, these are also referred to as ACE – Adverse Childhood Events.

Why Traditional Talk Therapy Falls Short VS SRTT

During such adverse incidents, you experienced a range of emotions that continue today to negatively affect you. Unconsciously aware, you made inaccurate subconscious conclusions and interpretations from those experiences, and they shaped your feelings and beliefs about yourself and the world around you. Today, those feelings and beliefs subconsciously control you and drive your behavior.

How SRTT Works: Addressing Trauma Without Reliving It

In SRTT, I guide you back to these experiences safely and gently, without reliving the pain. There is no hypnosis, and you do not reexperience the pain and trauma because we view the experience and interact with it from an observer’s perspective. We explore and identify every subconscious emotion you as a child felt at that time or moment. Then, we use a special process to validate and subconsciously release these emotions.

The Power of Revisiting Past Experiences Safely With SRTT

Next, we examine the inaccurate subconscious interpretations or conclusions you drew from your experiences. Remember, these were made with the mind and perspective of a child. These are often thoughts such as, “I’m inadequate,” “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not lovable,” “I don’t belong.” Such beliefs generally stem from 3 core fears or experiences: inadequacy, rejection, and abandonment. These subconscious beliefs don’t just affect your life – they infect every aspect of it.

Uncovering and Releasing Subconscious Beliefs

The next step involves helping you subconsciously change these inaccurate conclusions, which also cause self-loathing emotions and self-sabotaging behaviors. Even adults who experience abuse or sexual assault will still think, “Ii must have been my fault. There is something wrong with me.” This is the same conclusion that children make: “If my dad forgot to pick me up/shouts at me/hits me/ignores me, then it must be my fault. There is something wrong with me and that’s why they don’t love me…”

Transforming Self-Limiting Beliefs and Emotions

We also explore and focus on forgiveness.

Unfortunately, everyone subconsciously blames themselves for things that happened to them or things that didn’t happen for them. Even a child who was sexually abused will blame themselves. And a child that didn’t receive love or affection will also blame themselves, subconsciously concluding, “If mom or dad didn’t love or care for me, it must be my fault; there must be something wrong with me.” This results in shame, and in adult life failed relationships, isolation, loneliness and a lack of trust of others and the world.

The Role of Forgiveness in Your Healing Journey Using SRTT

Accordingly, I assist you in expressing self-compassion and forgiving yourself, as well as those who were responsible for or contributed to your pain.

Remember, forgiveness isn’t about condoning what happened or excusing the other person. It’s about setting yourself free from the past by releasing all the negative emotions. Forgiveness involves releasing all of the pain and negative emotions within you towards the other person. It does not imply or involve condoning what happened or staying in an abusive or unhealthy relationship.

This is the core purpose of SRTT: to liberate you from the past.

Setting Yourself Free: The True Purpose of SRTT

Each SRTT session, lasting 90 minutes or more, is dedicated to making real progress. We don’t just talk about what needs to be done; we take action together. We do this gently, easily, and safely, without reliving the pain. Crying over past hurts doesn’t set you free; if it did, you would be free by now. Instead, facing and resolving those emotions and negative beliefs head-on sets you free.

What to Expect in an SRTT Session

It’s crucial to understand another core principle of SRTT: You cannot resolve intense emotions—such as pain, sadness, anger, helplessness, powerlessness, hopelessness, or fear – while you’re still caught up in them. You can’t let go or heal an emotion if you’re deeply immersed in it. That’s why, through SRTT and a specialized step, I guide you in releasing and resolving these emotions without having to re-experience the pain!

Achieve Real Progress Without Reliving Pain with SRTT

SRTT helps you take back your life by releasing emotional pain, identifying and transforming faulty subconscious beliefs, forgiving yourself and everyone involved, and expressing self-compassion. This comprehensive approach succeeds in setting you free from your past, free from guilt, shame, blame, resentment, anger, fear, helplessness, and hopelessness, thus enabling you to live life to its fullest.

You will be shocked at the amount of relief and resolution you experience in each session!

Reclaim Your Life: Experience Relief and Resolution with SRTT

Experience Rapid Relief and Lasting Change—Book Your Session!

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